Channel EQ's High and Low band levels are minimised, its Mid band level is topped out at 12dB and its Frequency numerical is mapped to a Rack Macro knob in order to visualise its clip modulation. In Screen 1 (above), Live's new Channel EQ is enclosed in an Audio Effect Rack on an audio track. Pressing the Option/Alt key while using a handle applies its action symmetrically at both ends, in which case Option/Alt-dragging past the centre inverts the shape. The middle handles resize the shape and the corner handles skew it at one end. Also when you cursor within a selection, you'll see eight rectangular, white handles, one on each corner and one in the middle of each edge.

If you right-click within a selection of breakpoints, you'll see a Simplify Envelope option that greatly reduces breakpoint clutter. (When there is no selection, the shape is fitted to the current grid size.) When you right-click on a breakpoint the top menu choice, 'Edit Value', lets you edit it numerically. Choosing a shape fits it to the current selection. When you right-click in a clip's Envelope editor you'll see an Insert Shape chooser at the bottom of the menu. Live's new envelope tools include preset shapes, numerical editing of breakpoints and click-and-drag reshaping of existing modulation curves.
#Ableton 10.1 upgrade
Live 10.1, the first incremental upgrade to Live 10, has something for everyone and multiple improvements for most users. That's why modulation envelope breakpoints are always calibrated in percent (usually ±50 percent or zero to 100 percent), and it's also why you may need to adjust the underlying parameter value to get the modulation range you want.
#Ableton 10.1 manual
The advantage of modulation is that it is subject to the parameter's manual setting or to concurrent automation, whereas automation takes full control of a parameter. When you move clips from Session to Arrangement view, modulation envelopes remain inside the clip, and automation envelopes are transferred to the track as before. In all cases, a workaround is to map the control to a Rack Macro knob and clip-modulate that. Modulation envelopes are available for numerical displays, but there is no visual representation of the modulation. Modulation envelopes are available for most parameters - exceptions include device buttons, switches and menus.

#Ableton 10.1 mod
If the Aut and Mod buttons don't appear when you select a parameter from the menu, automation is the only option. Now, when you're working in Session view, 'Aut' and 'Mod' buttons in the Clip view's Envelopes editor determine whether you create automation or modulation envelopes. All other Session view clip envelopes (mixer settings, device controls and so on) were actually track automation housed in the clip, and they were automatically transferred to the track when the clip was moved to Arrangement view. Before 10.1, clip modulation was limited to MIDI CC messages in MIDI clips and to volume, transposition and a few settings based on the clip's Warp mode in audio clips. The other is the bevy of new tools for drawing and editing automation and modulation curves. One is that automation and clip modulation can coexist for the same parameter. Here we'll concentrate on major improvements to automation and modulation, a significant upgrade to Live's Wavetable instrument and several new audio effects. And you can now use VST3 plug-ins, which add many features. Track Freezing now accommodates side-chains by allowing both incoming and outgoing audio. You'll find, or perhaps stumble over, new key commands, many designed to improve Live's visuals - zoom in and out, expand and contract, expose or hide specific features and so on. The curves were fashioned from preset shapes using curve-shaping tools.Ībleton Live 10.1, the first incremental upgrade to Live 10, has something for everyone and multiple improvements for most users. Screen 1: The blue curve at the top modulates the Channel EQ's frequency relative to its current setting.