What we see in the above example is an implementation detail of the coverage measuring toolchain, which users “nrainer” and “owasim” nicely point out for us on Stackoverflow. The test proved that a NullPointerException was thrown, but it didn’t not improve the coverage. So the next test I did was to cover the invisible NULL pointer check that the switch statement does behind the scenes. That’s because it doesn’t create new paths. My first instinct was to blame the toLowerCase(), so I wrote tests with uppercase strings, but that had no effect. Loading.Java SWITCH" class="wp-image-11202"/> Code coverage of a Loading.Java switch In the screenshot below you can see that the body of the switch case is completely green, but the head is yellow, indicating partial coverage. And one particular switch statement simply refused to go completely green. Today I ran coverage tests on a switch statement using EclEmma. When 100% is your goal, you’ll sooner or later run into the limitations of your coverage tools. After all, it’s quite possible to get up to 80% with your test coverage and not test a single line of the most critical parts of your software. The reason for doing this is simple – it means I can sleep better at night. If possible I like to achieve 100% test coverage for the code I write. Aim high with test coverage – and you’ll get peace of mind So with that in mind our goal must be to get as much tested automatically as possible in our projects.
#Case in java manual
Manual tests and no regression tests are synonymous.

#Case in java software
And a hundred tests are only a fraction of the tests a non-trivial software needs for decent code coverage. Compare that to the time you have for regression testing. Untested software is defect software and saying, ‘but we have manual tests’ is just a fancy way of saying, ‘our software is mostly untested.’ If you don’t believe that, just calculate in your head how long you think a hundred manual test cases would take you. Improve software quality with automatic testingĪutomatic testing is absolutely essential for software quality, not only at Exasol but for any professional software project.