This step is necessary to allow this resolution to show up in the menu chooser in later steps. You'll see the menu bar getting wider for a moment, but not the VNC windows. Press Return a couple of times to accept the resolution anyway. Go to System Preferences, Displays, and choose the resolution you want. The Display Menu application doesn't work on Lion. Here's an alternative, based on CDD's answer that will work for Lion. Some alternatives that others have presented below, in case this answer does not work for your system:

However, its the only way I have found that satisfies my OCD with proper screen real estate consumption. I have yet to log out of my current session on my client machine, so this may only be a temporary fix.

Install the app, and for my use cases, 1680x1050 was the proper resolution.Download Display Menu (Free on Mac App Store).I found the following to work perfectly, assuming that you are using Apple Remote Desktop:
Luckily I know how to navigate Activity Monitor with the Keyboard :-). The previous answer's AirDisplay drivers actually messed up my remote client, and left me with 16 virtual displays, all with the same information, where I couldn't click anything. I'd like to offer an improved answer, that the author may consider for the question.